Here's your guide to your personal injury claim checklist.
Time is a precious commodity.
So finding efficiencies in your work is a must. All personal injury cases have different facts and nuances.
But you can streamline the process of organizing your personal injury cases with this checklist.
A checklist is helpful because it can be placed in the front of the client's file.
This is so that each task can be checked off as completed. That way, with a quick glance at the file, you can see what has been accomplished. Additionally, you can also see what still needs to be done, without flipping through the entire file.
Make sure that you have all the items on this personal injury case checklist.
Personal Injury Claim Checklist: What You Need to Prepare
Personal Injury Claim Checklist Item 1: Medical Bills
Medical bills are evidence in personal injury cases. This is to prove that you have incurred medical expenses.
Copies of all of your medical expenses and bills are a must.
Personal Injury Claim Checklist Item 2: Medical Records
Proving the extent of your injuries is one of the most basic elements of a personal injury claim. Get copies of all of your medical records. This must include those dating back before the injury. These prove that your injury wasn’t the result of a preexisting condition.
These reports would include the entire period that the individual is under a doctor's care. Additionally, this would cover all parties that claim that they suffered harm or injury as a result of the accident.
These records can also extend to the medical history of anyone related to the accident.
Take this example.
When would the facts of that individual’s medical history and all supporting information and medical records be relevant?
If an individual had a pre-existing medical condition that should have prevented them from engaging in an activity which resulted in harm to another person or persons.
Police Reports
Here's another important element when claiming for a personal injury.
Police reports are very important, especially if you were in an accident involving a motor vehicle.
Police reports are evidence of:
- what happened,
- those involved,
- the extent of injuries,
- who was at fault, and more.
These reports are public and available to all parties involved.
There may be more than one police report depending on the number of responding police officers or law enforcement agencies.
There may also be an accident reconstruction report by a special division within the police department responding to the accident.
Witness statements
These are statements by individuals that saw or heard the accident.
Witnesses would also include individuals that would have relevant information about any aspect of the accident. This includes the people involved or those who could possibly speak to why the accident took place.
Surveillance Video
Many properties use cameras to help monitor their property for security and safety. When going over your personal injury case checklist, make sure you have contacted relevant parties about video evidence.
However, for incidents outside, neighboring properties may have cameras that captured the accident. This is even if the defendant does not.
Victim/client statements
These are probably the most critical documents in an accident claim.
The victim or client statement should be taken when the individual has the best recall of the events.
Your lawyer must determine if the victim made a previous statement to any party other than their legal representative. The client may have inadvertently provided information. This could mitigate the value of their accident claim or even alter the nature of responsibility of the other party.
Audio recordings
Smartphones can capture audio recordings. Technology has improved in the manufacturing of smartphones. This makes it easier for phones to capture the background sounds of those who are in the vicinity of an accident.
Such recordings could also indicate who was at the scene of an accident or near the vicinity of an accident.
Related: Finding the Right Lawyer
In Conclusion
While many personal injury cases are straightforward, this doesn’t mean that getting a fair settlement is easy. Make sure that you have all the items on this personal injury case checklist.