What Is a Scintillating Scotoma?
A scotoma is a visual disturbance when a part of a person's field of vision has worsened while the rest remains fine. As a result, there are various causes of scintillating scotoma because problems with each part of the visual system can produce said effects.
Examples include but are not limited to hypertension, substance abuse, lack of nutrients, and even multiple sclerosis.
With that said, a scintillating scotoma is a particular kind of scotoma that can appear before the onset of a migraine headache as well as part of migraine with aura but without a headache.
Its exact appearance can see a fair amount of variation from person to person. But common examples range from bright flickers to camouflage patterns.
In fact, there are even people who see zigzag patterns. These are sometimes called a fortification spectrum because of their resemblance to a fortress when viewed from above.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Scintillating Scotoma?
The single most common causes of scintillating scotoma are cortical spreading depression. These are changes in how the nerves of the brain function during a migraine.
As a result, people who want to prevent the occurrence of scintillating scotoma need to look into the prevention of migraines. Unfortunately, different people suffer migraines when they experience different triggers. Thus, this can be more of a challenge than it seems.
Severe neck or head injuries due to trauma or injury such as whiplash can also be triggers for these headaches.
For example, some people suffer migraines due to stress. In contrast, other people suffer migraines when they eat particular foods that do not agree with them.
As a result, there is a wide range of potential causes of scintillating scotoma. Thus, making the task of preventing them that much more complicated and time-consuming.
What Treatment Options Are Available for Scintillating Scotoma?
Fortunately, it is far from being impossible for interested individuals to prevent migraines and thus scintillating scotomas.
For example, there are some medications such as anti-depressants, anti-seizure drugs, and cardiovascular drugs that might help people reduce the severity of their symptoms.
Furthermore, there are reasons to believe that healthier living habits can help people manage their migraine headaches. Examples ranging from a regular sleep cycle to resting and relaxing with the onset of symptoms.
On a related note, people interested in preventing migraines might want to keep a migraine diary as well. As its name states, a migraine diary is a record of the migraines that a person experiences.
Generally speaking, each entry in a migraine diary should contain information such as when a migraine started, when a migraine ended. Additionally, add what were the symptoms, whether there were any warning signs, and whether the person was taking any kind of medication at the time.
By keeping a migraine diary, interested individuals should make it easier for themselves to pick up on their triggers. Thus helping them avoid them in the future.
This way, they can make it that much easier to avoid the potential causes of scintillating scotoma, particularly if they consult their doctors with the information contained in their migraine diaries.
You need to treat scintillating scotoma but you also need to address its development cause. In many cases, the condition appears due to fatigue and stress. Due to this, consider the following:
- Manage stress levels. Consider meditating, yoga or any action that suits you.
- Eat nutritious meals and balanced diets. This includes monitoring coffee consumption, foods with high preservatives and alcohol. Basically, reduce the consumption of these foods.
- Take frequent breaks when you use your computer. As an example, every single 20 minutes you want to look away from your computer and focus on an item located at a distance of 20 feet.
- Work out 3 times weekly. This will reduce pain felt during migraines, although you will never be able to hinder them.
- Some foods can trigger your migraines. Obviously, avoid them!
- Rest as much as the body needs. In addition, follow a strict sleep routine like waking up at the exact same time every single day.
- Remove yourself from loud environments or use hearing protection.
Sleep is the most important part of preventing scintillating scotoma. This is because it reduces eye strain and helps restore proper vision. When your symptoms are caused by underlying conditions, talk to physicians about this health condition.
Scotoma found at vision’s outer edges do not cause vision problems that are severe. When the location is right in the center, glasses cannot help. Neither do surgery or lenses. Fortunately, some aids do exist. This includes:
- Phone keypads.
- Watch faces with large-fonts.
- Talking scales and clocks.
- Gadgets/apps that read the text.
- Changing font sizes in monitors and e-readers.
- Various personal computer hardware, like software magnifying screens and large type keyboards.
- Handheld magnifiers.
- Stand magnifiers.
- Magnifying glasses.
In addition, you should schedule regular ophthalmologist checkups.