Career Training: Overview
Is career training a right for all employees injured within the workplace?
In this article, we delve into the rights of employees and the responsibilities of employers when it comes to career training after injury.
Career Training Rights of Employees
Our health and finances are two of the most important parts of our lives.
So, what happens when you have an injury or accident that hinders you from being able to get back to work? What are the rights of employees and the responsibilities of employers when this happens?
When injured on the job or getting into an accident, it is possible that you will not be able to get back to your previous work due to it being too physically demanding. Something that you cannot handle any more due to the accident.
Sometimes, those who get into accidents have permanent impairments which makes them unable to sustain their previous job.
But this shouldn't stop you from earning a living.
It is your responsibility and priority to know your rights as an employee when faced with an accident at work.
Of course, your first priority after getting injured on the job would be to seek medical treatment. Then, line up lost wages benefits through workers’ compensation. Additionally, workers' compensation can also include vocational training to help you transition into a new career or a new line within the same career.
Make sure to check with your employer regarding these options.
After A Serious Injury, What Are Your Priorities?
Your number one priority, of course, would be to seek medical help after an injury. Then, your next priority would be to immediately obtain legal advice that you can trust. This legal advice will help you claim compensation for the accident, especially if you are not at fault.
In addition, it's important to find a good personal injury lawyer to help you through the legal process when claiming compensation. Your lawyer should be able to advocate on your behalf in order to claim the maximum available amount of compensation.
Lastly, it is also a good step to ask about career training options from your company. Each company may have different procedures and available options.
What Can Happen To The Victims Of Long-Term Injuries?
If not handled properly and immediately, it would be difficult to claim your compensation and use the available benefits after an injury. This is why it's important to seek medical and legal advice immediately.
However, monetary compensation can’t cover some of the more personal losses that can result from long-term injuries. These may include:
1. If you are not able to pay medical bills on time, you may have to dip into your savings which would affect paying for the rest of your obligations.
2. Financial and emotional stress after a serious injury may lead to difficulty and problems within the household.
3. If not handled well legally, you may lose your job if you take too long to recuperate.
Related: How Does Personal Injury Protection Work?
Key Facts About Vocational Career Training
After understanding your priorities and options after an injury at work, it's also beneficial to learn about your career training options.
Each company would have a different process and a different set of requirements or options when it comes to vocational career training for its employees. It's best to speak with your employer to know the specifics.
But, in general, here are three key facts about vocational career training:
- Usually, the preferred option is to get an injured worker back to work for his or her prior employer.
- There is no legal way for a vocational training counselor to force an employer to hire back a worker. However, an employee may be able to return to the same place of employment through career training and upskilling. It's always a good idea to speak with your employer regarding your available options.
- Career training typically occurs once a worker has met maximum medical improvement (MMI).
- The first priority of the injured would be to seek medical help. Once the physician has declared that the employee's injuries have healed and can go back to work, the employee can now request to begin his/her career training.
- Lastly, vocational career training includes several services provided to the injured worker.
- These options include checking with their former company to see if there is a job they can perform with their new limitations. Another option would be to create a job-retraining program or a return-to-work plan.
Workers' Rights to Career Training After Injury
Injured employees have the right to certain benefits from their employers. This is why it's essential to contact a skilled personal injury lawyer to help with the process.
While employees may be aware that they should receive compensation after an injury, not a lot of employees know that they also are entitled to receive career re-training.
Career training helps workers get back on their feet after suffering from an injury.
There is no obligation for the boss to retrain the injured employee. But if the injured worker wishes to retrain himself by returning to school or training program, it is not the obligation of the employer to pay for said programs.
However, each employer has its own unique set of procedures and available benefits.
Related: How to Avoid Injuries While Working From Home
How Can A Good Lawyer Help with Your Rights to Career Training?
A good personal injury lawyer can assist you in answering all of your questions about career training options from your employer. They can also help you through the often tricky legal processes when it comes to claiming compensation.
If you are injured at work, it is your right to claim compensation. While not all companies have the same available options for career training, a personal injury lawyer can help you know all the available options.